24/7 HOTLINE: Call our Hotline any time of the day or night. You can report suspicious activity or request an armed security response to a more serious situation. In life threatening situations, always call 911 first.
COMMUNITY PATROL SERVICE: Magen Am patrols the neighborhood with high-visibility, fully equipped vehicles and elite, trained guards. Such high profile patrols have been shown to deter crime.
BLUE TIER YARD SIGN: This serves as a deterrent to potential criminals and identifies your home as being protected by a professional security company with armed response. It also gives you a sense of security and peace of mind and publicly demonstrates your support of Magen Am.
DAILY DRIVE BY: A Magen Am Patrol vehicle will drive to your home each day to check for any signs of potential security threats, unusual activity, open doors or windows, or other potential security vulnerabilities. Any issues will be reported and appropriate action will be taken.
RAPID ARMED RESPONSE: The Magen Am armed guard will arrive on the scene within minutes of being dispatched. They are in direct communication with headquarters and are licensed to carry lethal and less than lethal self defense tools, including firearms, tasers, and pepper spray. They undergo annual training and recertification. When you enroll, our agreement allows us to respond to an incident on your property and covers our guards with our liability insurance.
In situations that demand a larger response, Magen Am can activate its local network of 35 licensed volunteer responders who have received 100+ hours of intensive training and are ready to provide armed security for the Jewish community.
WEEKLY NEIGHBORHOOD ALERT: Magen Am will send you a weekly alert about potential security threats or other issues in their area. The alert may include information about the nature of the threat or issue and any actions homeowners should take. They are typically issued as a precautionary measure, based on the best available information.
BLACK TIER YARD SIGN: Your BLACK sign indicates to our guards that you are a BLACK TIER donor.
ALARM SYSTEM RESPONSE: You can add Magen Am to your alarm system so that we will automatically respond when your system is triggered. We provide an additional layer of security and protection for family and property, even if you’re not there to report it.
DAILY DRIVEWAY STOP: This security measure involves a guard pulling the high-profile Magen Am vehicle into your driveway daily to check for any potential security threats or unusual activity. This provides an extra level of security and peace of mind as the guard is able to take a closer look at the property and spot any unusual activity or other potential security vulnerabilities. It also serves as a deterrence as any would-be criminals can see that the property is well-protected.
PACKAGES MOVED: If instructed, we can move delivered packages out of street view to protect against “porch pirates.” This provides an extra level of security and peace of mind for homeowners, especially those who are frequently away from their property or concerned about their home and family's security.
VACATION PROPERTY WATCH: Magen Am guards will stop by and conduct a perimeter check to look for potential security threats or unusual activity while you are away on vacation. This provides peace of mind and extra security for homeowners concerned about the safety of their property while they are away. Limits apply.
HOME SECURITY WALK THROUGH: A Magen Am expert will visit your home, conduct a walkthrough, and discuss your security concerns and needs.
SHABBOS & FRONT DOOR ESCORT: A Magen Am security guard can escort a resident to or from their front door or driveway to ensure their safety and provide assistance if necessary. This service is designed to protect against "tailgating", which is when a criminal follows a resident into their driveway with the intention of committing a crime. The Shabbat escort service provides a trained security professional who can accompany you to and from home, shul, or other location on Friday night. The escort can open doors and gates or activate/disable an alarm system. Subject to availability.
DISCOUNTED PRIVATE EVENT SECURITY GUARD: Magen Am guards can provide safety and security at your private home event, such as a birthday party, Shevah Brochos or kiddush. They can oversee your guest list, monitor activity, and respond to any security concerns or emergencies. You will be eligible for a 30% discount off our regular rates.
PRIVATE TRAINING SESSIONS: Magen Am offers self-defense classes and firearms training, including time on the shooting range and CCW guidance. You can take one private indoor class and one session on the range.
ATTEND VIP EVENTS AND LEADERSHIP FORUMS: Magen Am holds various events and meetings with Law Enforcement and Political leadership. You will be offered the opportunity to attend a number of these private events.